Since 1663, more than 4300 priests affiliated to the Missions Étrangères de Paris have gone on mission in Asia and the Indian ocean. You will find here all the data allowing you to retrace their respective journeys: biographical data, obituaries, bibliographic records, portraits.
To access this data, you can:
enter the name of a missionary (in Latin or Chinese characters), a mission country, or a keyword (like the name of an Asian place or an institution like “seminary” or orphanage”) in the search bar.
[1976 -2003] Pères MEP présents dans les diocèses de Umuarama, Conceição do Araguaia, Ilhéus, Porto Nacional, Altamira.
[1856-1966] MEP presence in two areas: - Mandalay (Northern Burma / Birmanie septentrionale): mainly Mandalay, Bhamo, Maymyo, Kalaymyo, Bagan. - Yangon (Rangoun) (Southern Burma / Birmanie méridionale): mainly Yangon, Bassein (Pathein), Moulmein, Mergui. Since 2017: return of MEP priests.
[1659-1975] MEP presence mainly in Phnom Penh, Battambang, Kompong Cham and Angkor. Since 1990 : return of MEP priests.
[1848-1952] MEP presence in the whole province, mainly in Guangzhou (Canton). 20th century: MEP presence in - Beihai (Pakhoi): 1921-1952 - Shantou (Swatow): 1914-1952 1850-1876: Hainan is included in the Guangdong mission. 1854-1868: Guangdong and Guangxi are one and the same mission.
[1854-1953] MEP presence in the whole province, mainly around Nanning. 1854-1868: Guangdong and Guangxi are one and the same mission.
[1696-1952] 1696-1922 : MEP presence in the whole province. 1922-1952 : division of the mission. MEP presence in two areas: - Guiyang (Kweiyang) - Anlong (Lanlong) 1715-1846 : The Guizhou mission is attached to the Sichuan mission.
Hong Kong
[1952-....] The region is not entrusted to the MEP, but the MEP fathers have several establishments there: - Macao: procure (1732-1847) and Nazareth spiritual retreat house (1884-1885). - Hong Kong: procure (1847-1950), Béthanie sanatorium (1875-1975) et Nazareth and spiritual retreat house (1885-1953). 1952: expulsion of all missionaries from China. The MEP fathers are now attached to Hong Kong.
[1776-….] 1776-1845: MEP priests active mainly in Pondicherry, occasionally sent to Mysore and Coimbatore. 1845: division of the mission into three areas: - Pondicherry - Mysore - Coimbatore
Indian ocean
[1953-….] The mission is divided into three areas: - since 1953: Madagascar - since 1971: Mauritius - since 1972: Réunion
Indian ocean
1672-1677: MEP presence in Banten/Bantam (procure). 1832-1835: some forays to Padang. 1976: return of MEP priests.
Japan (North)
[1841-....] 1841-1876: MEP presence in the whole country, mainly in the South (Ryukyu Islands, Nagasaki), and some forays to the North. 1876: division of the mission into North and South. In the North, the MEP priests are present in two areas: - Tokyo (Northern Japan / Japon septentrional): Tokyo, Nagoya, Yokohama and Saitama current dioceses. - Hakodate [separated from Northern Japan in 1891]: Sapporo, Sendai and Niigata current dioceses.
Japan (South)
[1841-....] 1841-1876: MEP presence in the whole country, mainly in the South (Ryukyu Islands, Nagasaki), and some forays to the North. 1876: division of the mission into North and South. In the South, the MEP priests are present in three areas : - Nagasaki (Southern Japan / Japon méridional) [until 1927]: Nagasaki, Kagoshima and Naha (Ryukyu Islands) current dioceses. - Osaka (Central Japan / Japon central) [separated from Southern Japan in 1888]: Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Takamatsu current dioceses. - Fukuoka [since 1927].
[1836-....] 1836-1911: MEP presence throughout the country. The MEP fathers then separated the missionary region into several distinct posts: - Seoul and Daegu (division of the mission, 1911). - Daejeon (new mission, 1948) and Andong (new mission, 1969). 1953: end of MEP presence in North Korea.
[1881-1975] 1881-1950: MEP fathers active throughout the mission, which includes northeast Siam (Nong Saeng). 1950-1975: division of the mission - Nong Saeng (Tharae, Ubon) becomes part of Thailand. - The mission is limited to the borders of Laos, the MEP priests being mainly active in Thakhek (Savanakhet and Paksé).
[1841-....] Before 1841: occasional activities of MEP priests attached to the Siam mission. Since 1841: division of the missionary region into two areas: - Malacca: MEP priests active in parishes around Malacca, Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. - Penang (Collège général): MEP Fathers assigned to the Collège général in Penang (from 1809).
Malaysia - Singapore
[1838-1952] 1838-1898: MEP fathers active throughout the province. 1898-1952: division of the missionary region into two areas: - Jilin (Kirin) (Northern Manchuria / Mandchourie septentrionale): mainly Jilin, Qiqihar and Harbin current dioceses. - Shenyang (Moukden) (Southern Manchuria / Mandchourie méridionale): mainly Shenyang, Fushun, Yingkou, Siping current dioceses.
New Caledonia
[1976-2016] MEP presence mainly in two areas: La Foa and Nouméa ; Canala and Thio.
[1659-1950] 1659-1860: MEP fathers active throughout the province. The following are attached to the mission: - Yunnan: 1781-1843 - Guizhou: 1715-1846 1860: the missionnary region is divided into three areas: - Chengdu (Northwestern Sichuan / Sichuan occidental): Chengdu and Shunking current dioceses. - Chongqing (Eastern Sichuan / Sichuan oriental): Chongqing and Wanzhou current dioceses. - Yibin (Suifu) (Southern Sichuan / Sichuan méridional): Yibin, Leshan and Jiangchang current dioceses.
[1952-….] MEP presence in the whole country, mainly in Hwalien and Taipei.
Thailand (Siam)
[1662-....] 1662-....: MEP fathers active throughout the province. The following is attached to the mission : > Malaysia-Singapore until 1841. The main places of presence are Ayutthaya (Collège général and procure: 1662-1677), Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima.
[1846-1952] The missionary region does not cover the territory of present-day Tibet. The MEP Fathers settled on the outskirts of the country, along a northeast-southwest arc: 1. Eastern Tibet [1854-1952]: - area of Kangding (Tatsienlu/Dajianlu) and its peripheral stations (Moximian, Chapa) - Sichuan border area (Bathang, Yerkalo, Yaregong) - Yunnan horn (Cigu, Cizhong, Weixi, Xiao Weixi) - Salouen (Bahang, Kionatong) 2. Southern Tibet: Assam [1848-1854] and Sikkim [1880-1937] - Pedong, Maria-Basti and Kalimpong
Vietnam (North/Tonkin)
[1679-1970] 1679-1846: MEP fathers active throughout the province. 1846-1970: MEP presence in four areas : - Hanoi (Western Tonking / Tonkin occidental): Hanoi current diocese. - Vinh (Southern Tonking / Tonkin méridional): Vinh and Ha Tinh current dioceses. - Hung Hoa (Upper Tonking / Haut-Tonkin, separated from Hanoi in 1895): Hung Hoa current diocese. - Phat Diêm (Coastal Tonking / Tonkin maritime, separated from Hanoi in 1901): Phat Diêm and Thanh Hoa current dioceses.
Vietnam (South/Cochinchina)
[1659-1975] 1659-1844: MEP fathers active throughout the province. The following is attached to the mission : Cambodia until 1850. 1844: division of the mission. MEP presence in three areas: - Qui Nhon (Eastern Cochin / Cochinchine orientale): Qui Nhon, Nhatrang, Danang (Tourane), Kontum and Banmethuot current dioceses. - Hué (Northern Cochin / Cochinchine septentrionale, separated from Qui Nhon un 1850): Hué current diocese. - Saigon (Western Cochin / Cochinchine occidentale): Dalat, Phan Thiet, Baria, Xuan Loc, Phu Cuong, My Tho, Vinh Long, Can Tho and Long Xuyên current dioceses (the territories of these last two dioceses depended on the Apostolic Vicariate of Cambodia from 1870 to 1955).
[1702-1950] 1702-1706: MEP fathers active throughout the province. 1780-1950: MEP presence in the whole missionnary region, mainly around Longki, Kunming (Yunnanfu) and Dali. 1781-1843: the Yunnan mission is attached to the Sichuan mission.
These biographies, intended to give a first glimpse of the life of the MEP missionaries, come from different sources according to their date of writing:
LAUNAY (P. Adrien), Mémorial de la Société des Missions-Étrangères, t. 2 : 1659-1913, Paris : Séminaire des Missions-Étrangères, 1916
MOUSSAY (P. Gérard) & APPAVOU (Brigitte), Répertoire des membres de la Société des Missions étrangères, 1659-2004 : ordre alphabétique suivi de l’ordre chronologique, Paris : Archives des MEP, 2004
Since 2004
The biographies are written and updated by the general secretariat and the archives department.
The biographies currently being proofread, are available here in their uncorrected version. Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to have details on the sources of any of them. For more information on the missionaries, we encourage you to consult their manuscript archives.
Written by a fellow priest in a personal style, these obituaries keep the memory of the deceased father alive.
Before 1961
The oldest appeared in periodicals published by the MEP: Comptes rendus annuels, Bulletin des Missions Étrangères de Paris and Épiphanie.
Since 1961
They are the subject of their own publication under the title of a Mémorial published every two or three years by the MEP, for internal use.
The bio-bibliographical references refer mainly to missionary journals, all of which can be consulted at the IRFA. Some have been digitized in partnership with the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) and are available on Gallica, in PDF image format. Others are freely available on this site, in PDF text format (see the page “MEP publications online”).
AME: Annales des Missions Étrangères de Paris (1898-1940)
Gallica (fully searchable), IRFA (fully searchable)
APF: Annales de la Propagation de la Foi (1822-1974)
Gallica (years 1834-1933)
ASF: Annales de l’Œuvre la Sainte-Enfance (1846-1975)
Gallica (years 1888-1910)
BME: Bulletin des Missions Étrangères (1° série : 1922-1941 ; 2° série : 1948-1962)
Gallica (years 1922-1941), IRFA (fully searchable)
CR: Compte-rendu des travaux (1871-1941, 1945-1970, 1974-….)
Gallica (years 1871-1941), IRFA (fully searchable)
EC1: Échos de la rue du Bac (1921-1967)
EC2: Échos de la rue du Bac (1968-1992)
ECO: Échos missionnaires d’Extrême Orient (1941)
IRFA (fully searchable)
ECM: Échos missionnaires (1942-1947)
IRFA (years 1942-1943)
EPI: Épiphanie (1962-1971)
ES: État de la Société des Missions étrangères (1863-….)
Gallica (abstracts of the years 1976, 1980, 1981)
LC: Lettres communes (1840-1976)
IRFA (fully searchable)
MC: Les Missions catholiques (1868-1964)
Gallica (years 1868-1932)
MDA: Missionnaires d’Asie (1948-1960)
ME1: Missions Étrangères (1961-1967)
ME2: Missions Étrangères de Paris (1993-….)
MEM: Mémorial (1961-….)
PDM: Peuples du monde (1967-….)
ODP / BOP: Œuvre des Partants / Bulletin de l’Œuvre des Partants (1885-1897)
Gallica (fully searchable)
You will find here a more complete list of the works cited in the references (abbreviation and corresponding title).
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