The MEP in Cambodia: an overview (1659-1975)
The Cambodia mission integrates the apostolic vicariate of Cochinchina in 1659 when it is instituted. The first MEP missionary to settle in the region is P. Louis Chevreuil in 1664. In 1679, Mgr Louis Laneau takes over the apostolic vicariate of Siam and, temporarily inheriting the Cochin china jurisdiction, sends several missionaries to Cambodia. Between 1684 and 1743, the MEP are no longer in charge of the apostolic vicariate of Cochin china. In 1743, Mgr Armand Lefèbvre takes back the reins of the apostolic vicariate and settles in Cambodia in 1757. Between 1774 and 1799, Mgr Pigneaux de Béhaines’s episcopacy is marked by the destruction of the main Christian communities in Cambodia by Siamese and Vietnamese invasions in 1782.
In 1838, the MEP directors send fathers Miche and Duclos to reopen the Cambodia mission, where a new apostolic vicariate is instituted in 1850. In 1869, the Holy See redefines the borders of this vicariate, integrating two provinces of Cochinchina (Ha Tien and Chaudoc). In 1940, the French forces are defeated by the Japanese army and the country is occupied until 1945. Between 1945 and 1970, the successive episcopacies of Mgr Raballand (1937-1955), Mgr Chabalier (1955-1963), and Mgr Ramousse (1963-1970) favour the development of the mission towards the Khmers themselves. In 1970, general Lon Nol’s coup d’état drags the country into violence. Between 1970 and 1975, five missionaries are killed and nineteen are deported from Cambodia. The last missionaries leave the country in April of 1975, when Phnom Penh falls.
1659: Cambodia integrates the apostolic vicariate of Cochinchina.
1664: P. Louis Chevreuil is the first MEP missionary to settle in Cambodia.
1684-1743: the MEP lose the office of the apostolic vicariate of Cochinchina. There are no MEP fathers in Cambodia during this period.
1743: Mgr Armand Lefèbvre takes back the reins of the apostolic vicariate of Cochin china.
1776: first ordinations in Cambodia.
1850: Pie IX institutes the apostolic vicariate of Cambodia and nominates Mgr Miche first vicar apostolic.
1940-1945: military occupation of Cambodia by the Japanese army.
1947: ordination of the first Khmer priest Simon Chhem Yen in Phnom Penh.
1955: Rome assigns the Cambodian provinces of Cù lao Giêng and Chaudoc to the Church of Vietnam.
The number of Catholics in Cambodia thereby drops from 120,000 to 44,500.
There are 25 MEP priests in Cambodia.
1970: general Lon Nol’s coup d’état.
1970-1975: Phnom Penh is captured by Pol Pot and the Khmers Rouges on the 15th of April 1975.
5 missionaries are killed and 19 are deported from Cambodia.
CHRÉTIENNE Vincent (MEP), La société des Missions Étrangères de Paris au Cambodge (1665-2020), Paris : Collection MEP, 2021.
LANGE Claude (MEP), L’Église catholique et la société des Missions étrangères au Vietnam. Vicariat apostolique de Cochinchine, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2004.
MANTIENNE Frédéric, Les relations politiques et commerciales entre la France et la péninsule Indochinoise (XVIIe siècle), Paris : Les Indes Savantes, 2001.
MARIN Catherine, Le rôle des missionnaires français en Cochinchine aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, Paris : Églises d’Asie, 1999.
PONCHAUD François (MEP), La cathédrale de la rizière : histoire de l’Église au Cambodge, Tours : CLD éd., 2006, 378 p.
RAMOUSSE Yves (MEP), « Les Missions étrangères au Cambodge », in Les missions étrangères en Asie et dans l’océan Indien, Paris : Les Indes savantes, 2007, pp. 27-47.
ROLLIN Vincent (MEP), Histoire de la mission du Cambodge, 1555-1967, Phnom Penh : Rollin, 1968.
PIANET Jules (MEP), Histoire de la mission du Cambodge : 1552-1852, Hong Kong : Imprimerie de Nazareth, 1929.
I- XVIIème siècle : les premiers missionnaires
II- Création du vicariat apostolique de Cochinchine
- (1743-1760) Mgr Lefèbvre
- (1764-1771) Mgr Piguel
- (1767) Fondation du séminaire à Ha Tien
- (1774-1799) Mgr Pigneau de Béhaine
III- (1850-1940) Création du vicariat apostolique
(1850-1869) Mgr Miche
(1874-1895) Mgr Cordier
(1896-1902) Mgr Grosgeorge
(1902-1928) Mgr Bouchut
(1928-1936) Mgr Herrgott
L’oeuvre de traduction des missionnaires
IV- (1940-1975) Période de troubles
(1940-1945) L’occupation japonaise
(1945-1963) La mission après la guerre
- (1945-1955) Reprise des activités missionnaires
- (1955-1963) Mgr Raballand
(1963-1975) Expulsions
- (1963-1970) Mgr Ramousse
- (1970-1975) Le début des persécutions